How to fly commercially if your sick?

International Air Ambulance

Flying these days commercially, has become somewhat challenging. From security checks- that include pats downs, x rays, carry-ons, removal of clothing’s, this process is just overwhelming even for healthy people. Furthermore, commercial airlines have adapted stricter criteria for sick passengers, making it almost impossible to fly if you have a critical health condition.

Well, there is good news. MedEvac Canada’s has acted as a liaison between sick passengers and the airlines. We go over medical logistics, in flight medication schedules, setting up medical clearances at airport, arranging for oxygen, an much more. Our medical team handles all the Medical paperwork from origin to destination, keeping family, airlines and medical teams in the loop. We assist through airports, working with customs, ground staff and security to get sick passengers on/off the plane without delays, hassle free.

If your sick, or someone you know may be flying that may be ill and requires assistance with a commercial flight, give our operations center a call at 416 704 2353. We are here help 24/7!